樂天信用卡: 樂天信用卡介紹



外國人士辦卡友善專區 Introduction for foreign applicant

刷卡優惠 Benefits of Our Cards



No Annual Fee Life Time

高額 旅行平安險


Travel Transportation Accidnet Insurance

Need to use Taiwan Rakuten Card and pay more than 80% of the transportation fair charge or the travel agency tour charge.



Text SMS Service

We'll send you the text SMS notification for every transaction which exceeds NTD 3,000.(or by exchanged foreign currency)

Rakuten Card Legal Statement

申請條件 Applicant Qualification

  • 1 正卡申請人 Primary Card Applicant
    (1) 正卡申請人須年滿20歲,小於65歲且未受監護或輔助宣告者。
    The age of primary card applicant should be 20 years and under 65 years and the applicant should not be announced for a guardianship or an assistantship.
    (2) 年收入須達100萬元以上。
    The applicant's annual income must exceed NTD 1,000,000.
  • 2 附卡申請人 Supplementary Card Applicant
    (1) 附卡申請人須年滿15歲。
    The age of supplementary card applicant should be 15 years or older.
    (2) 限正卡持有人之父母、配偶、子女、兄弟姊妹及配偶父母申請。
    The supplementary card applicant should be the primary applicant's parents, spouse, child, siblings or parents-in-law.
    (3) 需提供相關證明文件
    Need to provide related identity documents

申請所需文件 Required Documents

  • 1 有效期限六個月以上之居留證影本
    Copy of ARC (Alien Resident Certificate)
    ※ The valid period of ARC must exceeds 6 months from it's expiration date.
  • 2 護照影本
    Copy of Passport (page with photo)
  • 2財力證明
    Income tax withholding statement or salary statement.

閱覽版信用卡申請書 Preview Taiwan Rakuten Card application form

申請流程 Application Process

  1. 1索取信用卡申請書
    Request for the application form

    Click "Apply Now" to submit your request to us to mail you a paper based application form.

  2. 2寄回申請書 審核書面資料
    Complete the application form

    Complete the application form and send it back to us with required documents through business reply letter or registered mail.
    We will process your application after receiving it

  3. 3確認申請人資料通知審核結果
    Confirm the information of applicants and inform results

    We will call the applicants for verification.
    The appication result will be sent to the designated e-mail address.

  4. 4寄發信用卡
    Send the credit card

    Send the credit card to the designated address.

各項費用 Fees

Annual Fee
1. 持卡人所持信用卡有效期限內終身免年費。
No annual fee will be charged in the valid period of the credit card.

2. 未來年費若有調整以本公司公告為準。若有變更,本公司將事先以書面通知持卡人,如持卡人有異議,應於收到通知後7日內以書面向本公司提出,否則即視為同意。
The adjustment of annual fee is subject to the announcement of TRC. If there is any adjustment of the annual fee, TRC will notify cardholders in writing.Cardholders with objection shall notify TRC in writing within 7 days after receiving the notification from TRC. Otherwise, it would be considered as consent to the adjustment.
Minimum Payment and Revolving Interest
1. 持卡人得選擇以循環信用方式繳款,於當期繳款截止日前將最低應繳金額以上(或等於最低應繳金額)款項繳付本公司。持卡人就剩餘未付款項得延後付款,並計付循環信用利息,且得隨時清償原延後付款金額之全部或一部份。
Cardholders may choose to pay with revolving credit charge and shall pay the minimum payment before the payment deadline. The cardholder may defer payment on unpaid balance and may pay off the deferred amount in part or in whole at any time. TRC will charge the revolving interest based on the unpaid balance thereof.

2. 持卡人每期最低應繳金額=【(當期新增消費款(含預借現金)總額 x10%)+(前期未結清消費款(含預借現金)總額x5%)】(如低於新臺幣壹仟元、以新臺幣壹仟元計)+【循環信用利息、年費、國外交易手續費、預借現金手續費、掛失停用手續費、違約金及補寄帳單手續費等其他應繳費用】+【消費及帳單分期之每期本金及利息】+【分期手續費】+【超過信用額度之全部使用信用卡消費金額】+【累計當期以前各期逾期未付最低應繳款項之總和】。但持卡人同時持有本公司二張(含)以上之信用卡時,有關前項當期新增信用卡一般消費全部款項百分之十及應付帳款百分之五部分之計算方式,係依各卡別之交易金額合併計算。
Minimum payment of each period= 【(the incremental consumption payment(including cash advance) x 10%) + (unpaid consumption payment(including cash advance) x5%】(calculate with NTD$ 1,000 if the amount is less than NTD$ 1,000)+【revolving interest, annual fee, service fee for oversea transaction , cash advance, loss report fee, default charge, service fee for re-issuance of statement and other service fees】+【transaction installment and billing installment】+ 【service fee for installment】+【total consumption in excess of credit limit】+ 【accumulation of the unpaid minimum payment of each period】If the cardholders have 2 or more credit cards issued by TRC, the 10% of the incremental consumption payment for the current period and the 5% of the unpaid consumption payment for other periods would be calculated on the consumption of each credit cards and would be summed up as the total payment due.

3. 各筆循環信用利息之計算,係將每筆「得計入循環信用本金之帳款」,自各筆帳款入帳日起,就該帳款之餘額以本公司依照持卡人信用評等結果所適用之信用優惠利率計算至該筆帳款結清之日止(元以下四捨五入)。
The revolving interest of each transaction is calculated on each applicable payment with the revolving interest based on the result of TRC credit review. The date when the interest accrues is from the settlement date of each transaction to the settlement date of the account. The payment would be rouned if it is under NTD$1.

4. 本公司循環信用年利率為6.75%∼15%
The annual revolving interest rate is between 6.75% and 15%.

例如:某持卡人之每月 5 日為帳單結帳日,每月26日為繳款截止日;3/27 持卡人消費一筆,本公司於3/29 入帳 12,000 元(即本公司墊款日),4 月 5日帳單之應繳總金額 12,000元。4 月26日繳款截止日持卡人僅繳交最低金額1,200 元,則5 月 5 日結帳日止,應繳付上月循環信用利息為(以年息15%計算):(12,000-1,200)x38(3/29~5/5)x(15%÷365)=169元。
EX. The Billing date of the Cardholder is the 5th day of each month and the payment deadline is every 26th. The cardholder has one transaction on March 27 and the consumption amount NTD12,000 has been settled on March 29 (i.e. the date TRC pay the advance). The total payment due on April 5 should be NTD 12,000. The cardholder pays the minimum payment NTD 1,200 on April 26. In this case, on the next Billing date May 5, the revolving interest should be (12,000-1,200)x38(3/29~5/5)x(15%÷365)= NTD 169. (calculate with annual interest in 15%)
Default Charge
The calculation for over due default charges is as below. It shall be limited within 3 periods.
1. 延滯第一個月,當月計付違約金新臺幣 300 元。 The first past due month : NTD$300
2. 延滯第二個月,當月計付違約金新臺幣 400 元。 The second consecutive past due month : NTD$400
3. 延滯第三個月,當月計付違約金新臺幣 500 元。 The third consecutive past due month : NTD$500
If the amount payable of current billing cycle is less than NTD1,000, no default charge will incur. The default charge is limited to consecutive 3-billing cycle and should be calculated in NTD. If the cardholder pays in next billing cycle, the consecutive default charge will be re-calculated.
Service Fee for Cash Advance and Money-Transfering
The service fee for cash advance is 3.5% of the cash advance amount + NTD$150. If the cash advance is not paid off by the cardholder before the payment deadline shown in the current billing statement, TRC may charge the default charge or revolving interest. In addition, if the cardholder applied cash advance by phone or online and request TRC to tranfer the amount to the account of financial institution in Taiwan, TRC would charge money-transfer fee for NTD$100 additionally.
Money-Transfering Fee
NT$100 for each transaction
Oversea Transaction Fee
All credit card transactions shall be paid in NTD. When the currency of transaction (including refund) is other than NTD, or the cardholder pays in NTD abroad (including the transaction in the oversea contractual merchants or online transaction), the cardholder authorizes TRC to convert the transaction into NTD based on the exchange rate provided by the international credit card organization on the date of exchange settlement and add the service fees for oversea transaction. The cardholder shall pay the sum of converted transaction and international transaction fee.

The oversea transaction fee includes the service fee charged by international credit card organization and 0.5% of each transaction charged by TRC.

The charging rate for oversea transaction of each international credit card organizations may change anytime. The current charging rate is 0.8%~1% for each transaction.
Service Fee for for Retrieving the Transaction Slips
If cardholders request to retrieve the credit card transaction slip or the refund slip, TRC would charge NTD$100 for each retrieve of the transaction slips.
Loss Report Fee
If the cardholder notify TRC to report the card loss when the credit card is lost, stolen, or taken possession by another person other than the cardholder, the cardholder shall pay a card loss report fee in the amount of NT$200 per card.
Service Fee for Re-issuance of Credit Cards
If cardholders request re-issuance of credit cards due to taint, demagnetization, scratch or other situation which makes credit cards unusable, TRC would charge NTD$100 for each re-issuance.
Service Fee for Re-issuance of Statements
TRC will charge NTD$100 for each re-issuance of statement for non-current period. This service fee is not required for the latest two periods.
Service Fee for refund of overpayment
TRC will charge NTD$100 for each transfer to certain account for the refund of overpayment.
Service Fee for proof of Settlement
TRC will charge NTD$200 for each proof of settlement.
Service Fee for Emergency Card
If cardholders request emergency card or cash advance in foreign country, TRC would charge the relating service fee in accordance with the regulation of each international credit card organization.
Handling Fee for Questionable Transaction
TRC will charge the Handling Fee for Questionable Transaction in accordance with the regulation of each international credit card organization.
Rakuten Card Legal Statement

卡片遺失 Lost / Stolen Cards

為避免遭他人冒用,請盡速以電話通知本公司 (02)2516-8518、0800-505-058 。自您通知本公司辦理信用卡掛失,即刻起您將無法再使用此張信用卡,並需收取掛失手續費 200元。
Please contact with our customer services at (02)2516-8518、0800-505-058 and report the loss of card. We’ll suspend your card after receiving your request. The loss-reporting fee is NTD$ 200

如果有任何辦卡相關問題,歡迎撥打客服專線  (02)2508-7218
或是留言至客服信箱 customer_service@card.rakuten.com.tw
If you have any questions , please contact with our customer service at TEL:(02)2508-7218 / E-mail:customer_service@card.rakuten.com.tw

國際組織優惠 Benefits of International Organization
